No Words
There are no words in the english language for how miserable a failure this game is. A Dark Room was a work of emotional art. This program does not even compare.
There is no room for planning, no room for strategy. Immediately out of the gate, there is a fixed food supply, and outposts cannot be relooted to restore the supply. The starting hitpoints are insufficient to deal with the first assault the player is pressed into by a dwindling food supply, and there is not enough storage space to carry the knife, sword, and enough food to survive the engagement.
The beginning of this game boils down to pure chance, and I find that to be contrary to everything ADR stood for.
Furthermore, the overpowered defector with 200 HP and a Carbine can spawn at any moment to home in on you, and dispatch you, and you have no choice in the matter when it engages you.
The more you die, the more taunting screens youre presented with, even to the point where youre told to just "give up like the rest." Really?
This game is just garbage. Its a molestation of an aspect of ADR, and Amarali Rajan is essentially trying to push this garbage on the coattails of his ADR iOS port.
Stay far away.
N750SW about
The Ensign, v1.55